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odbc::PreparedStatement Member List
This is the complete list of members for odbc::PreparedStatement, including all inherited members.
- cancel()
- clearParameters()
- clearWarnings()
- ErrorHandler(bool collectWarnings=true)
- execute()
- odbc::Statement::execute(const std::string &sql)
- executeQuery()
- odbc::Statement::executeQuery(const std::string &sql)
- executeUpdate()
- odbc::Statement::executeUpdate(const std::string &sql)
- getConnection()
- getEscapeProcessing()
- getFetchSize()
- getMaxFieldSize()
- getMaxRows()
- getMoreResults()
- getQueryTimeout()
- getResultSet()
- getResultSetConcurrency()
- getResultSetType()
- getUpdateCount()
- getWarnings()
- setAsciiStream(int idx, std::istream *s, int len)
- setBinaryStream(int idx, std::istream *s, int len)
- setBoolean(int idx, bool val)
- setByte(int idx, signed char val)
- setBytes(int idx, const Bytes &val)
- setCursorName(const std::string &name)
- setDate(int idx, const Date &val)
- setDouble(int idx, double val)
- setEscapeProcessing(bool on)
- setFetchSize(int size)
- setFloat(int idx, float val)
- setInt(int idx, int val)
- setLong(int idx, Long val)
- setMaxFieldSize(int maxFieldSize)
- setMaxRows(int maxRows)
- setNull(int idx, int sqlType)
- setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
- setShort(int idx, short val)
- setString(int idx, const std::string &val)
- setTime(int idx, const Time &val)
- setTimestamp(int idx, const Timestamp &val)
- ~ErrorHandler()
- ~PreparedStatement()
- ~Statement()